Massive Black Horse Chromite Discovery

Black Horse deposit has an Inferred Resource Now 85.9 Million Tonnes @ 34.5%

Message: Re: Cliffs PR = Hanoi Hannah = Tokyo Rose

Ya! Sure!

The game of 'Cut Throat' is in play right now.

It will do a couple of things, if not more.

But first, the only rule: Wanabee's can only cut their own throat! Cliff's, and to a somewhat lesser extent, the Provincial Government, can make stabbing gestures at anyone they like but can only cut themselves and others wanting to be them.

So, with that understood:

Who ever winds up getting the Smelter/Refinery thingie will have to demonstrate clearly that in giving the concessions they will be equally able to provide an adequate reliable work force that can remain just so for a minimum of two full generations. As for the third generation?

Well, just as with incredibly rich families....

The Access thing.

I can understand Cliff's not wanting to be totally dependent on some other private entity to get their materials and work force into the Mine/Mill location and their Product out to their Smelter/Refinery thingie. Especially where they initially, and for an unspecified period of time (years to decades), would be the principal means of raod cost recovery and maintence.

Nor would the other area Exploration Co.s like such dependence/reliance. Though it would sure beat having to Fly In/Out everything all the time.

With a Government payed for and operated road any and all who so desired could come and go from anywhere in the area serviced by the road, essentially just as they pleased.

Sounds Great!

But I wonder how the Local FN's would feel about that. How about Recreational Outfitters and affiliated services? How about the remaining Logging Operators? Even the Explorers and their Camp Operators? Strangers coming and going all over the place, and at any and every possible time, all year round.

Sounds Great?

I'm sure those living along the six lane parking lot on Lake Ontario would love that as well. Paying for a new road in the middle of some other no where. They could go up north and park their cars on the new road, if for no other reason than to get somewhat of a change of scenery. They would be footing the bill after all, if it was to be a road and not a railroad.

Think of all the new complaining the Provincial Government would receive then.
OK! They get about as much complaining as anyone could ever hope to get.

But hay - that's the Southern Ontario way. If it's not a scam, voice your complaint! Alternatively - mum is the word!!!

The one thing that can continue being counted on, for the foreseeable future, is the targeted Share Price control efforts that have been in effect, and largely, though not completely, with considerable effectiveness.
And Oh. Last point tonight: Wonder how concerned Cliff's are about Xstrata? Or do they know to not be?

Something tells me - Maybe a little. Maybe?
Old Joe

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