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Creating value through Exploration and Development in the Sierra Madre of Mexico

Message: Will the day come...?

Stone , First of all. Do not kick yourself for not selling everything and buying bullion. Hindsight is always 20-20. The fundamentals of gold can be understood, and therefore, a fundamental understanding of where gold must eventually go, can also be arrived at. The pathway there cannot be so precisely pinned down. The tide moves in one calculable direction, but the waves are not so.

I have a hard time seeing a breakdown in the social order. Of course anything is possible, but such events are rarer than revolutions and those are extremely rare as human events go.

The financial system is not going to collapse. Several members of my investment group have lived through revolutions and currency devaluations. The world does not end, so to speak when such events occur. Things change. But society survives.

The stock market is a market like any other, and markets and trade are the glue that hold nations and civilized societies together. Civilized man is defined by his ability to honorably carry on trade and to honor his agreements with his fellow man. So I believe the stock market will survive.

But even if it does not, remember, we don't own pieces of paper. We own shares in Kimber. We own ground and the gold that is in that ground. As long as courts and civilization exist, we can claim that property.

So sure, I could have cashed in all my Kimber stock at $1.60 and bought gold bullion, but where's the adventure in that? You might say, "Who wants adventure when I can sit here with my pile of gold?" "Bah," I say. Life is for living. You do your research. You make your decisions. You see what you can see and then you lay your money down.

I don't own a stock. I own a gold mine. I own gold and silver, the ONLY commodity that is rising in the midst of all this chaos.

The day will come when gold in the ground will be highly valued. That day is closer than you think, Stone. Do not doubt yourself, and do not panic. You are in the correct place and the correct state of mind. See how tough this is? This is not a game for those lacking courage.

By the way, you were not nor are you greedy. There is nothing greedy about wanting to get rich by buying gold. Greedy is wanting to get rich by selling derivatives to unsuspecting widows and orphans. We are running a legitimate business here, paying people a decent wage to prepare to dig gold from the earth. Bull

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