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Message: A Tide in the Affairs of Men: Answer to Hysteria

Mar 24, 2009 03:05PM

Mar 24, 2009 07:53PM


Fundamentals drive trends, but something deeper even drives fundamentals. There are quantifiable cycles in the affairs of men throughout "ages." All economic constructs are in existence only to provide a framework on which the continuing advancement of mankind can proceed through cycles. The key is to get to the core of existence, to ferret out the deepest purposes of things.

There is no purpose to a life where man cannot, does not advance spiritually. The goal of many of our supposed leaders right now is to try to achieve this sort of meaningless life, to promote their ideas of Nirvana on earth. Without struggle, without pain, without purpose. These types of things are not going to continue to happen. Above the tri-lateral commission, above the power brokers, above the king makers, above the Caesars, there is a higher power still.

It interacts with those who live and die in the world, and it is real. It is what drives trends and fundamentals. It can influence any man beyond that man's control and make of mankind a massive machine of existence, but it choses not to. Thus, deviations take place from time to time. But in the end, they always end up resetting themselves, punishments being meted out as things are returned to the center.

Economic cycles, fashion trends, idealogical upheavals... what are such things all about? Strauss and Howe only scratched the surface. Like the ancient Greeks, they recognized the patterns in things and thus have created a certain type of mythology of their own to explain the inescapable qualities of fate, reward and punishment, pride and humility. But what do they really see?

Below the surface is a thinking reality with a purpose for existence. It is not about crosses or ceremonies, but about discovery and creation. And very few are equipped to find it. I can only pray that I will be one of them. And I do pray, but only for wisdom, only for wisdom. Do not look to logic, but to intuition. What you most surely seek is not about mathematics. It is about music. It is not about words, but about poetry. Be kind, be compassionate, be upright and honest, so that you may know how things move in the world. Give and more than you can comprehend will return to you. Bull

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