Commercialized a highly effective skin cancer scanning device

Used for over 12 years and supported by more than 15 published clinical studies

Message: Re: ZIemer Professional Corporation

We have identified and trained eight of our first ten retail Siascopy scanning centres. The onboarding process has been documented and fine-tuned for scalability in the near future. The training was all conducted remotely due to COVID; however, this is the preferred model again for scalability reasons. 

Scanning has begun for in house patients of our first 8 clinics and it is being well received. Certainly, COVID has slowed the patient flow as many of the clinics have experienced closures or repeated closures as they are not all deemed essential services. External marketing will commence including Facebook and email marketing once it is deemed safe to look for new out-of-clinic patients.

From a patient impact view, we have had three cases already early on of patients that needed immediate attention after having their scans evaluated by the Dermatologist. This of course is one of our biggest measures of success and we will document these cases every week.

I hope this answers your question.

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