Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: If nothing else, try the "Shark Tank" methodology...

Patriot is a gamble but one worth taking for those so inclined. The MMP IS a sensational patent portfolio. It utalizes inventions that are basic to the proper function of almost all modern day microprocessors and improves upon older inventions by speeding up functionality without surperfluous or expensive gadgetry external to the chips. Thus the patents not only improve performance, they cut costs in so doing. We also have a win in the NDOC against HTC for patent infringement. This solidifies the technology in the legal relm as legitimate. The company claims 400+ companies are still in need of licensing. Unfortunately, we have horrific management and an interim CEO that is largely absent, at least to the shareholders. Improper, ineffectual and amateurish decisions by our BOD have led us to this juncture, perhaps coupled with some very poor legal representation in our past. We have ceded control of all licensing activities to a private company. This was a strategic mistake IMO. Sadly I do not trust those chosen by our BOD to represent our interests any longer. I remain invested in the hopes that we get thru the present BK legal entanglement with some ruling in our favor that may even give us a chance at more control over the MMP, it's licensing agenda, and our future. Certainly, at this juncture, one should not invest any monies they cannot afford to lose. It saddens me to say that knowing how ingenous and widespread the MMP portfolio is.

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