Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: All talk and no action

I offerred up the name and information regarding the lawfirm that represented the wamu shareholders get a rep on the creditors committee. The lawyers did a great job, going against the rest of the creditors committee, also fighting against jpm and the feds. Wamu shareholders won and now the shareholders run the holding company with the ceo being a common shareholder. Share price has gone from 50 cents to $3.50 and now the holding company is in the hands of those who are shareholder friendly.

In a previous message I mentioned I would give the name and contact info to those I thought were pro shareholder posters. Not one pm'd me. The only pm's I received were from those that I thought were plants or pro ptsc bod.

If you want action, contact a lawyer. The more I learn about the ptsc bod and insiders the more I think their activities are so blatantly illegal that any court would find them guility of multiple offenses, such as fraud, lack of fiduciary reponsibility, sec violations of non reporting of material events, desiminating material information to insiders to profit from, having the toxic funder involved in ptsc business decisions that were self serving at the detrimant of share holders, etc..

Get the ptsc bod in court with the ptsc former toxic funder and see what they have to say in front of a jury.

I am offerring you the contact info and I may be able to get you in contact with the little wamu shareholder out of Texas that started they entire wamu shareholder action. Only about 6 shareholders needed to get involved to get it done. Those who have the most info regarding the actions of the ptsc need to be involved to paint the picture to the lawfirm.

To be balanced, one major difference may be that once the shareholders were placed on the creditors committee the assets of wamu paid for the shareholder attorneys per bk law, I think.

What is the difference from you folks and the wamu shareholders, that is an interesting question. Is almost everyone on this board working among their own little private groups to flip shares for their best interests only, and really don't care about what the ptsc bod has done because they are really profitting from their flips.

Disclosure: I for one am flipping ptsc shares, did it a long time ago, took a major break until my friend turned me back on to ptsc and the HTC trial but I will continue to flip until some of you folks with most of the information step up a get an attorney to represent you. If not, all talk and no action.

All in my opinion and mine alone. I wonder how long it will take for this post to get deleted?

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