Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: With All The New Pacers ....

I must admit that I am having trouble keeping up and reading through all of the new pacers. I am, of course, very thankful to Banosser, Laurie, and Shboomer for their efforts to keeps us informed. I am also grateful for Ronran for his legal expertise.

I must admit that I find it rather overwhelming at this time. I am unable to devote as much as needed to delve into the details due to some family issues.

However, I did make an effort to read Moore's plan though not in the detail as Laurie has and it does appear promising. I need to spend more time on it.

Perhaps in the next few days I may have the time to read and digest the pacers that have been published. If I am able to get through the material and provide some incite I would certainly share it with this community. However, I believe there are some more qualified people who could do a better job than I. In particular, I look forward to Geoff's comments as well as Greg Bailey. I am sure there are others who may contribute.

A disclaimer: I retired some years ago from a Fortune 10 company. I can not identify the company for legal reasons. I was NOT an executive nor was I a high level manager. I was known for being innovative and creative in using computers and developing computer software. I was never involved in developing microchips, we did not do that. Looking back it seemed we were on the cutting edge, and we were, but now seems it appears quaint.

However, at the time I invested in PTSC I thought, as I am sure others here have also thougth, this was a wonderful oppurtunity. I am hoping it would prove to be the case.


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