Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: It may be to late but?

I have been involved in many bk's of publicly traded companies over the years and this situation has many similarities to the standard publicly traded bk but of course many differences. Number 1, ptsc is not bk, they are only a creditor to the lecky bk, we all know that. But we also know that the ptsc bod and insiders and former partners, ie, swartzy/pohl are possibly in bed with lecky and have possibly done many things that are either borderline legal or just plain illegal. Problem is they are very difficult to prove, we all know that.

I have given several people who post on this board and are much more involved in this situation the contact information of a major law firm that represents shareholders in these types of situation and have put them in contact with the key players, this occured over 6 months ago, nothing has happened. Ask yourself why? Not one of them even had the common courtesy to send me a pm with some general info with how the meetings went. Ask yourself why?

For those who post and read this board and are not in bed with lecky or ptsc bod, is it possible for a shareholder to address the court and explain the reason that shareholders should have a voice. It happens all the time in a standard corporate bk. My guess is that this hearing is either not the correct forum or that since it is not ptsc's bk, we have no voice, other than as a creditor. If we do have a voice, some knowledgeable shareholder could paint a very damning picture to the judge of why ptsc shareholders rights are not being protected and should be by the court as part of this bk.

There are several people who have such a historical perspective of the misdeeds by the ptsc bod that they could paint a very good picture of what might have been occuring over the years between lecky, ptsc bod, swartzy, pohl and many others. Collusion and insider trading, can you say germany, are very damning in a court of law.

If the judge heard what has really happened there may be a slim chance that the court would accept the moore plan, that is if the creditors can be quickly made whole. The shareholder letter was good but having someone stand up and explain to the judge what may be really going on may have an impact beyond what many here would think.

I have seen a little old lady from Texas go up against JPM, FDIC, SEC, and a reorg bod that was in bed with the creditors and she won. Where did she start, with an inpatiened plea before the court.

Like I aforementioned, it may be to late or not possible because it is not ptsc that is bk but why there has not been a ptsc shareholder lawsuit filed over these many years of suspicious activity by the ptsc bod, ask yourself why?

all in my opinion and mine alone

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