Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: I have an idea

I hope it is not to late, share holders have rights, we all know that, we also know that ptsc bod have not protected our rights in the lecky bk. I don't think it is to late to have our voices heard as part of the court record to put both lecky and the ptsc bod on notice.

Someone with help of others, including myself, should request from the court to be heard as part of the confirmation hearing(s). I have posted this before but being heard in court puts all parties on notice and raises the bar for insider regarding due dilligence, disclosure, etc..

The courts like hearing from share holders and how they have been screwed by insiders, lecky and the ptsc bod.

You may think this is moot but believe me it's not. I am personally involved in a success story where share holders came out and are in a very good situation regarding a public company that went bk. In the situation that myself and 10s of thousands of share holders in, the sky is the limit.

Regarding ptsc, our voice can be heard.

When I proposed that another letter to the court be drafted, I received zero input, still wondering why?

Just a thought

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