Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Shareholder Meeting Notes

Thanks for the info. How they can legally withhold the name of a key player like the 3rd member is beyond me. How is that not material. They just don't give a damn, and think that they have legal standing.

Yes, I know many share holders have tried to hire legal council to go after these guys and have hit a dead end, as have I. No law firm wants to take this on contingency because of the uncertainty of winning and without a clear path to money the law firms that have experience in this arena don't want to touch it. Hard to prove damages is how it was conveyed to me.

To me, it is simple and with the right strategy it would not surprise me if a good law firm could claw back monies all the way to swartzy and pohl but no law firm understands what really has transpired and how many 10s of millions, probably over 100 million have been stolen from share holders. I'm sure there are many a share holder like Brian who could easily follow the money back to illegal ptsc bod sec actions.

Maybe a grass roots effort to generate a pool of funds would be the only way I could see a lawfirm taking this case. I don't even care about the money, maybe the best approach would be to go after them in a criminal trial and at least see them squrim a little on the witness stand.

Just so sad, they had it all to grow a great company and they pzzd it all away on insider deals and greed. So So sad.

Some of us old timers did ok with the one major pump but it could have been so much more.

all in my opinion and mine alone.

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