Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Blockchain pursuit

Steven King is part of the old ptsc guard, he's a scam artist with the rest of the former ptsc insiders.  Do you actually think a former ptsc insider just happens to be an expert in block chain and has a consulting company that just happens to be experts in this area.  Ptsc is just passing the money around to drain the company of remaining funds before reverse split to refund to keep the insiders on the payroll.  Scammers through and through.  

With all that said, the Ken Starr situation is very intriguing. 

I can see it know, a ptsc news release. 

'ptsc has approved a reverse split, this will allow us to dilute, dilute, dilute to fund the supreme court case and their pursuit of block chain technology'.  



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