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Pennsaid will take the pain away!

Message: Price Predictions

I will bow to your apparent superior wisdom on this particular issue Hippygirl and will look forward to perhaps that dollar level.

I think you were perhaps braver/smarter than I and got out of this at one time and then opted back in before the big run-up. I maintained my original position and then "averaged down" so that I am now firmly in the black but plan to let this run its course over at least the next few weeks.

The forums here seem to have some cooler heads than what is being seen on SH. Some of the people over there I suspect have perhaps too much riding on this but whatever their involvement I wish them good luck. Sincerely hope that some of the real long time people (initially in at 10.00) have had the resources to take the opportunity to average down and at least recoup some of their investment.

For the moment it is an exciting ride.

Onward and Upward

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