Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: A few suggestions for the BOD...

A few suggestions to BOD when the licensing deal with BAE gets is quite likely all of these have been thought of and discussed - nothing revolutionary here..simply thought i would share my POV. I will preface by saying i think Mark B and Peter C are doing an excellent job. Here are my ideas...

A. Take the proceeds of the licencing deal and buy as much stock back as logically possible. Purchasing back XX million shares is an excellent way to:

1. Get excellent return on investment for shareholders/OPL. We all know OPL shares are supremely undervalued. Each one of the options and shares remaining in the market would have significantly more proportionate % ownership of the company.

2. The purchase would also get the stock moving quickly towards $2+ where it will be marginable and big institutions can puchase without explantion.

B. Once the stock is over $2...strongly look at the TSX . Yes, it may be a pain to execute the work and pay the $, but a cost benefit analysis of this move will likely show it is worth it. It will open a whole new group of investors who sworn to themselves, and their investors, that they will not purchase venture stocks. I personally know an influential "investor" who manages 100M's who actually has manadate to buy contrarian or high upside (low $) stocks but has written mandate to not touch the venture....guys such as this are in play when we hit the TSX. Even if it is for 6 months before purchase- it may be worth it to move to TSX as it will open our addressable investor base for our run up.

C. This is likely in motion already..., but get some excellent videos posted on the new website. Interviews with Dr. Taylor/DR. C, visual benchmarking of the performance of the chips (compare a POET chip to a common processor and show the graphs of the perferamnce difference, heat, power), interview respected third party industry players on the revolutionary aspects of POET, and include a "laymans version" video that outlines the capabilties and market opportunities so that the non-tech investor can understand the magnatude of what this is - and get on board.

D. Keep up the great NR flow. Keeping the shareholders/market informed via fairly frequent press releases (where possible) provides a written progression that new investors can see is real. A quarterly update posted the website on key activites executed and go forward direction never hurts (realizing this info may need to be muted to a degree to satisfy 'forward looking statements' and such).

Just my 2 cents. Thanks.

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