Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Memory Patent Info

Hi everyone,

I've been crazy busy and I haven't been able to participate in the discussion, but I've been reading bits and pieces.

Apologies if this info has been posted already, I know FJ put up one of these points today, but I thought I'd post one of the images that accompanies the memory patent.

I have never seen this in a patent before. It looks like it could be a slide on our corporate presentation! Not only does it challenge CMOS as a whole, but it mentions Memristors which was a technology often associated with HP, as they have thrown some serious R&D at the development of it for everything from SSDs to RAM (ReRAM, they call it). They even considered it a possible transistor replacement. The ones they were working on back when I first bought POET were made with Titanium Oxide and I doubt it it compatible with common fabrication processes.

POET is now targeting an area that HP has been developing for years. HP has failed to meet their target date to replace SSDs (2013) and they are now admitting that 2018 is cutting it close! Wanna bet that memristors never see the light of day?

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