Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Trading activities

With all due respect, 4.7 million is nothing to chuckle at. Unless these were exercised because they were expiring soon, this shouldn't be completely ignored.

Also if there was in fact warrants expiring soon, thus leading them to be exercised, management may have been wiser to hold off on the latest PP knowing how much cash they would likely get for those warrants once exercised. Instead they diluted further at 65 cents knowing that both MS5, MS7 and other developments they announced recently would bring us to much higher levels. They also had money still in the bank so that makes that whole 65 cent PP just that much more frustrating. I truly believe the tech and the path management is taking this thing is excellent and very exciting, but the decision making from a financial side has been weak. This has been my opinion since 2011 and hasn't changed. Either that or the money is needed for something big soon, but thats not the impression you get when they say it will be used to complete milestones and used for general "working capital".

Anyone know exactly how many warrants expired or are close to expiring soon?TWG?

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