Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Amazing Amazinger

Had to go to a card tournament this afternoon . Amazinger called the $1.02 and I tried to wait to get the low but had to go. Caved at $1.09 for fair i would miss the turn around when i was gone. Glad i bought at that ,only a couple thousand shares but all that i could raise the money for in that short time period. (besides i figure 2000 shares @ $70 bucks is $140,000 bucks right? Couldn't pass that up Ha,ha) Then when i got home expecting a little green couldn't believe my eyes at the close $1.30. ....Been preaching here all morning for no one to sell, not that it was needed because I don't think any of our friends here would sell anyway. You can see by today how this can swing and explode with little warning and no obvious reason.

Well you have'nt seen anything yet . Get ready for the ride of your life. Everybody and their dog will want a piece of POET.

Anyone thinking I'm pumping this stock? Well I don't really care.

I say it because I believe it. ;-)

Oh, and thanks again Amazinger.

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