Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Speaking in code...
A funny thought just occurred to me.
Now I'm not really serious about this one, but as long as we can still throw "what ifs..." out there, this one deserves a platform. At least it might serve as a source of conversation while we are still in this anticipatory period.
So here's my thought...
We have probably all heard of the lengths that Apple will go to ensure secrecy in its supply chain. How even the "need to know " people involved in some of the critical components of Apple's products don't even know that Apple is a customer since most of the time they are working under a code name with respect to Apple.
Now as with all good fiction tales, employ your suspension of disbelief for a second and humour me. Could our code word for Apple be "3rd party fab"?
I personally think this thought has slim to no chance of proving to be accurate. I put this out there mainly as a thought exercise, to venture outside the box, as it were. We have to step outside the four 90's to see the other side of the walls.

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