Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: San Jose

Well said, Gooch99! Absolutely, my "ifs" were changed to "whens" as the result of the meeting relative to the milestones. And, since you told me the milestones were "your thing," I'm glad to hear that all that you soaked in was sufficient to put you at ease.

Let's see if the majority of posters can maintain their current positive attitudes and outlooks beyond June 30 if nothing is heard by then. If they don't, well, I guess it's just human nature. The afterglow of the AGM is great; let's see about the fade rate - LOL!

The dip in the share price today is anything but a surprise; I suspect a lot of the strength of today's earlier rally was fueled by the investors who post and read this board, and a few of their friends.

I bought a few more today (I'm going after Mazan - an unbelievably nice fellow, by the way), and paid full retail, but a couple of cents or so right now is not too significant. I believe there is still time for people who feel underinvested to top up, hopefully out of money earmarked for investment.

I believe that the thing that will move the stock up, and will maintain that price as a new floor will be Blevins/Apple related. Some Apple cards need to be laid on the table for us to really move. I have no clue when or if on that, but that's exactly the kind of news that's going to do it for us. Contracts are nice, but unless they are quite large and with a well-known player, I don't think they will give us the kind of appreciation many anticipate. Apple interest will create the sizzle this company, quite frankly, deserves.

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