Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: What I don't like about the NEWS and what could be done about the SP

Previously I was contacted by CC with the mention that new management intended to be much more CLEARER when delivering a msg to shareholders. In my opinion, this news release was once again anything but that. I understand that NDAs may be signed, as well as the need for secrecy, but please pay attention to how you script your msg.

While the release provides us with good hints as to the progress that is being made behind the scenes (e.g. MOUs with suppliers), it fails to provide any insight as to what investors can expect between now and end-Sept.....and worse post Sept. The way it is scripted may lead those not familiar with PTK to believe that STARTING end-Sept management will only then role out a gameplan with new milestones that could take even longer. I'm sorry but it isn't a stretch to read the msg this way if foreign to the company. This of course would be concerning given that nothing was distinctly mentioned over prior milestones nor is it made clear that they are any closer to revenues. I know I will get attacked for this statement but the fact is unless anyone reads this board or is very knowledgeable with the tech, they won't have gotten anything else from the release.

To counter this, I believe that management SHOULD comment on the falling share price. NDA or not this can be done. Reassure investors that they are "unaware of any material change with the company" and that "things are progressing as planned". Any company without revenues will have a volatile share price as there is no protective base but regardless SHARE PRICE IS IMPORTANT. Too low a price renders the company even more susceptible to a takeover etc. Capital markets are important and the further we slide the further we are from bigger boards (e.g. NASDAQ). Moreover, while I don't expect a capital raise short term, dilution can also be a risk.

I'm not trying to be all doom and gloom, I'm just trying to say that if you can't communicate on the tech, then communicate on the share price, explain to shareholders why board members are changing (SI), etc. I know they are busy but regardless......regardless.


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