Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: A new chapter for POET

I feel compelled to weigh-in here.

I'm somewhat insulted that the company states that they are after "platinum" investors, when they've got well over 60 million shares being held on this board alone, shares that for the most part are strongly held and not flipped.

They need look no further for platinum investors than agoracom.

What they want is some rich people who like to make a lot of money with little effort.

I wouldn't call them "platinum investors"...I'd call them "banksters".

Yes, that kind of money is a prerequisite it seems for a start-up like POET, unfortunately, but to give them the title of "platinum" seems a bit much.

Real platinum is quite rare, as are investors who hold their stocks for years looking for a return on their money, following a story daily to ensure that things are going according to plan. Investors who care enough to travel long distances, at their own expense, to AGM's and participate in them, talking to the people who have made POET possible. Investors who ask difficult questions, not because they are trying to be difficult, but because those questions need to be answered to secure their investment.

That, to me, is a "platinum" investor.

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