Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Between now and 2018

I have to admit, my heart sunk a bit with the year "2018" being uttered a couple of times. The words "investor fatigue" certainly crossed my mind.

But upon sober second reflection, that's just a target, the company is trying to be systemic and realistic.

If we expected that some kind of big partnership announcement was coming today, then we haven't paid enough attention to history, and the meeting of unrealstic expectations.

POET's presentation today was intended in part to put a flag down and state intentions. They are proceeding as a standalone company with major disruptive aspirations. They've had discussions with potential customers. By taking the path they are and proclaiming it loudly (now publicly) they are more likely to create urgency amongst the establishment.

None, repeat NONE of the big players can afford to let one company have the most preferred solution, and risk being on the sideline. I like the strategic direction.

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