Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: AGM Color

Thanks for the kudos. And thanks for Rainer's detailed follow up of facts supporting the timeline.

The AGM is always going to be a modest affair and therefore doesn't really justify the expense for most Canadian shareholders. As a local, I am more than happy to cover it every year at fair expense--zero!

Once we get out of the basement (share price-wise), I think there will be a healthy group that will have no problem funding their own Singapore boondoggle. Count me in.

Sorry I didn't say hello to the group at the meeting, I was working beforehand and had to drive like a maniac to make it in time, and then I had to leave and get back to work in SF by 12. SJ to SF is a lovely drive on route 280, past the back of Stanford property and the San Andreas fault. You'll never see more Teslas on one road in your life. They outnumber BMWs! (Not really).

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