Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Tech Primer for US money managers

Thank you FJ that's excellent DD.

However, it emphasises the boards problem with company communications, in that the language used amongst the cognoscenti is developing at a mind boggling pace so that the average retail investor is inevitably going to be left behind. Such that, no matter what efforts are made by our senior management to pacify its investor base regarding communications and 'the are we there yet' conversation,  they are unlikely to get the underlying message that POET Technolgies Inc is effectively operating at 'the bleeding edge of technolgy' in quite an amazingly successful way. 

So new is the language used that even the best in the optical industry must be struggling to keep up the pace and understand just what it is that POET has achieved. 

Frankly, despite the dreadful moaning that goes on from us retail investors that management owe better communications to its retail investor base, my conclusion is that retail concerns in this respect are not the priority for management, Far more important is their efforts to communicate to the Optical industry to understand the POET offering in a rapidly changing conext, which I would observe given their focus on optical trade conferences (roll on Schenzen in September) is just what management are doing.

Thus we need to be tolerant that whilst we may feel management should be obliged to spoon feed us they are in effect doing the best for us as investors by prioritising their communications efforts to business to business at this stage in the POET project life cycle. They are after all on a very small budget for resources until the white Knight is found.

I think we should feel very lucky to have the opportunity to be in on the start, albeit ten or so years of patience , of an amazing investment opportunity.  POETEERS have bourne great financial risk which appear more strongly than ever to rewarded by being in on the creation of a world leading Optical integration company at a growth phase of industrial revolution proportions.  

I am most interested to hear how we here can become better advocates of the opportunity represented and how best to spread the gospel of good news.  Particularly as so often this board can be its own worst enemy given its frequent and ready reversion to gloom and doom. Which is hardly advocacy more like a form of self flagelation.

Thanks Adrian for your reform efforts.


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