Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: POET Technologies Launches Its Products and Optical Interposer Platform in China to Critical Acclaim

Your plan is to target twenty businesses by demonstrating six of your products at a major PIC event, the demonstions go well: lots of questions are asked, one business, Fibretop, wants in immediately.  

Just when you think you can relax after the hectic run up and excitement of the demonstrations, your phone starts ringing with major names in the industry wanting in and asking to move to the next stage of development. These guys  weren't even at the demos.  Struth, we really did shake the can, this is going to be even bigger than we imagined.  

The POET news is out, the thought that the POET Optical Interposer can become a standard takes on a deeper meaning.

There is an altogether different feel about this NR, there are no claims made this is unassailable evidence of POET living up to its claims of the past, seeing is believing and the talk amongst customers, those whose needs can clearly met by the POET products is generating excitiment amongst customers.  

Whilst Capital, raised from shareholders, is the life blood of Venture Capital Companies, customers and revenue are the power that sustains and grows established companies.  It is right that the company's management and engineering resources are now directed fully at meeting customers needs and of shareholders.  

Armchair directors it's time to watch and enjoy the actions of a company that in time can make you very wealthy.  This moment is clear evidence of the success of management's strategy and focus on customers.  Which is why some feel so neglected.


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