Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications



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Message: Everything & Everybody said something valid

Yep, skin in the game would’ve been nice, sure.

Slowing the current rate (18%+?) of dilution would help too!  

Sheldon Group, what Group?  Hey…we have Adrian, and I am thankful for his work. 

Sanan giving us a factory in China for free, sounds great, no?  Question: How do we get our profits out of China?  Well, in spite of this Chinese gift, institutional investors see the safety of their investment against the lack of a rule-by-law.

Most everything written today seemed valid to me.  Yet, none of it gets to the real issue confronting us, and management. 

So why hasn’t Poet done well enough to attract enough new individual and institutional shareholders?

Because the one true path forward is through revenue significantly in excess of our operating cost, and then more numbers of the kind.  Poet doesn’t make enough MONEY!  A lot of truth has been spoken here today, maybe too much for our collective good and that of Poet.

I'm sorry to repeat the truth that's been said so often by so many of us before.   TMI


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