Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Consider the position

Fj, you and I and many others have never been more in agreement. Lots of last straws these past 6 months. 

Micronclaw, this is not about emotions, this is about getting this technology over the finish line. This company must evolve, we moved from Copetti, to Manocha, to Venkatesan, and now it must evolve to laser focus on monetization. That momentum has been lost over the past few years. 

it's imponderable that the company has done the same thing over and over with the  same disastrous results. And this Board of Destructors has nodded in agreement every single time. 

We need someone with strong capital markets connections and credibility. How this looks after all is done, who can say? But for investors, the reality is we have a pittance of our investment left to lose and far, far more to gain. 

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