Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Too expensive?

I never understood the comment 'there's not enough profit margin for the module-makers' ... if I'm a module maker A selling my current module at $100 and I can buy the interposer from Poet for $40 and lets say there is still $10 cost for the rest of the stuff on the board then I can still sell the module for $80 and make money and increase my sales because my module is $20 cheaper than everyone else.  Module makers do not have to price their module based on what the Poet interposer costs them - they price it on what the market will pay so they're in good shape as due to the savings of the interposer they can pass some of the savings to their customers making them lower priced than the non interposer module.  What am I missing here?  Yes another competitor B might also adopt the interposer so that the first module maker A is no longer the cheapest BUT when this happens the first module maker would lose sales to the second module maker B anyways and either lower price reducing their margins or adopt Poet to stay competitive.  

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