Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: News

As usual, lots to unpack here.


The company fell just short of filling the offering. Yesterday, the share price soared, momentarily, to nearly 40% over the warrant strike price, and stayed above the strike for the entire day. And they couldn’t make some calls to virtually give away the last $400k at a profit, not to mention the impact a filled offering would have had on today’s action. Easy money, opportunity lost. 


Another indisputable indictment of their financial management. 


Big picture, Fj? Please! 


You throw Breeze under the bus, citing his private message to you, as contributing to the failure to fill? He’s an investment advisor, not a shill for POET. 

It’s the company’s responsibility to identify investors, a role they fail at consistently. But the CFO’s name still shows up as a contact, when will the CoB/CEO and the BoD see the ineptitude the investment community is staring in the face? 


They will fill this, someone will see the opportunity and take advantage. In spite of the drop from yesterday, it's still free lemonade. And we should recover somewhat. But as KCCO and 54-40 pointed out, it should not be this hard to essentially give this away. 


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