Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Celestial Post on X

Babaoriley:  "But they need a partner that will mass produce the IO and other products in other than the Far East"

I completely agree with the sentiment of that statement, Babaoriley.  Speaking for myself as one of the least knowledgeable members of this message board regarding the technology behind POET and one of the past most avid promoters of bringing POET product manufacturing additionally to somewhere in North America (US or Canada) I can see that under the present circumstance it would be most difficult to accomplish the goal of OI or any other POET product being produced here in the US or Canada. 

I am not advocating abandonment of our Chinese connection, especially at this precarious juncture.  I am only advocating that when and if our financial situation should permit it in the future then having a manufacturing base in North America might be a sagacious path to follow.

I haven't changed my mind about the geopolitical hazzards of having a manufacturing facility built on a Joint Venture in Communist China.

  I understand there are plenty of counter arguments to the contrary, but anyone who perceives there to be little to no risk in such a partnership is naive to what the CCP has already done to foreign associated businesses in the Middle Kingdom.

  Taking into consideration the present financial situation and the possible need for more financial support should the long awaited significant and substantially profitable Purchase Orders become a reality, instead of a talking point, and the fact that the whole tech world is not presently beating a path to the door of POET then I don't believe at this time POET is in any position to develop a manufacturing facility here in North America unless, and of course, a big and deep pocket North American Sugar Daddy partner becomes manifest for POET Technologies. 

As for developing a manufacturing facility in some other country outside China and where there is far less geopolitical risk for untoward and unanticipated placing a political thumb on the scale, then Full Speed Ahead!

JMO  Best wishes to all POET Investors, those who have in effect made their own "Long March" with POET and the newbies who jumped on the train after it derailed from 'Up and to the RIght/Investor Value" POET management propaganda from yesteryear.

Regardless of when you jumped on the POET train, we all hope to reach the destination mutually selected by all of it passengers:  ROI

Onward through the FOG!


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