Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: We Can Access All The Big Players Now

Ahasja posted this link this morning which I find very intriguing:

A Foxconn press release dated May 14  2024 mentioning:

Foxconn now plays an increasingly important role in building AI servers for U.S. giants such as Amazon, Google, Microsoft and Nvidia, in places including Mexico.

Server racks need tranceivers. All the big names are there, except Meta/Facebook for whom we did a demo with Luxshare so it looks like we could literally be on all the biggest companies radars through their contract manufacturers. Is that not the process for how these things get integrated? You don't sell engines to Google or Microsoft , you deal with their subsidiaries or contracted companies (in our case Foxconn and Luxshare)


This YouTuber is trying to connect Poet with Nvidia. That would be nice, since Nvidia is the hottest company in the world right now, but those other companies in the press release aren't chopped liver either.

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