Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: WOW You people are AWESOME!!

Hey, can I deal myself in on the Vegas Party?   I am a Stockhouse refugee and KXL long.  I will need $65 or so for $1M (though will probably continue adding on the way up), but will be up for a party over $10.  Hey, if that can be Feb, it would fit in with a trade show I often go too...

Sinbad, I think you are right re blackjack.  My strategy is bet $10, if I lose, it stays $10.  If I win, I add $5 each time, averaging up.  I do similar with stocks, rarely average down (tho I did with KXL) and bet more when I am ahead.  Oh, and i do best at TI with a woman dealer... but more on that later.

Hope to buy you all a drink in Vegas! 


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