Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: Where are we now?

Where are we now?

posted on May 02, 2008 03:15AM

The approx prices of pre KXL discovery to now are as follows on some companies around Beardmore-Geraldton area.

Mid Sept Hi Now

KXL 0,60 5,00 2.2

ALT 0,12 0,39 0,10

SGX 0,17 0.80 0,22

RMK 0,12 0,38 0,13

LME 0,12 0,50 0,08

ONT 0,20 0,90 0,32

The initial discovery increased KXL by about 8x and the others by 3-4x. The others have all fallen to approx pre discovery levels (maybe not ONT) and KXL is still more than 3x (nearly 4x) its pre discovery level.

Seems genuine article is best bet. The others still have a lot to do and quite a gamble IMO. Time will tell.

Are there signs of sentiment towards junior mining sector changeing?

Straws in the wind. I was reading of the views of one commentator who said some time ago gold would react from above $1000 to $850 area (where it is now) before it would take off again. The $850 area was the previous hi in the early eighties he said and he expected this point to be tested before a rise in price could take place. Lets see if he is right. The other point he made is that once gold gets past $1000 again the general public will be convinced "this is for real" and we should have a real turnaround. Caveats: summer is normally a quiet period for gold, but KXL should have a lot of news to come during this "quiet period". Having said all this Mark Twain said don't forecast the future if the future is close at hand. Wise words!

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