On Track for a New Mine

Discovery and development of precious metals - New Brunswick & Manitoba

Message: Alf Fields Predicts Silver $150

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

There's More To Puma Than Silver And Gold

We've all heard the real estate adage 'Location, location, location.' But for Puma it's more like 'Location and Timing...' While silver and gold are among the biggest attention-getters in the markets lately, having exposure to copper and other base metals like zinc and lead is helping Puma to maintain a great relationship with the surrounding community. New Brunswick is very helpful in allowing Puma to develop its projects, and their efficiency at granting permits and facilitating development is a major incentive for companies with new mining prospects in the area.
New Brunswick is not new to mining. The opening of the Intercolonial Railway of Canada in 1876 provided a fast connection from the port of Bathurst to the rest of North America which was essential for developing the region's principal industries in zinc mining and forestry. Their experience with the Bathurst area alone dates back over 60 years, when the Brunswick 12 mine was the largest underground zinc mine. Now that the minerals there are rapidly depleting though, it is likely going to be shut down within 2 years, so the Province is interested in finding new projects close by.
Enter Puma Exploration. Both her projects are within 25 km of the town of Bathurst, so a good feature is their location; close to a strong, mining sector labour force, railway, airport, paved road, power lines and deep seaport. Since the spring of 2011, the discovery results that Puma has announced represent only a small part of the 10 km long area of the property
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