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Message: Re: Interesting, Foggy Days
Dec 29, 2016 04:46PM
Dec 29, 2016 06:49PM

chicagoest,,,,,agreed,,,,,plus, when we add the assumed value of the spin off at $1 with our closing price last evening of $1.68, RVX is probably priced accordingly based on what we minions know. That is when we compare pricing around the time of the pre Assure trial results. Possibly some risk has changed since,,,due to MACE and these orphans,,,we have altered our course based on analyzed data from past trials,,,,not saying that is a bad thing,,,,it was the only thing we could do,,,,,,RVX will never stop the chase on these other indications as long as epigenetics remains a possibility to remediate the human condition in respect to disease,,,,,,thats a good thing,,I think,,,,,,which puts DM and the team in a warm and fuzzy position,  possibly for years to come, but not us from what generally plays out. My point being is that RVX may remain range bound based on the present lack luster or non-existant business development plan, competition and of course the unforseen,,,,,RVX is up at bat on MACE with runners on base but we dont know who is in the batters box at this point, DM hasn't told us,,,we can only hope he has a Bautista on the bench,,,,what I think matters not,,,its what the Market makes of it all and so far we are viewed as just another Canadian biotech clinging to that eternal hope for a home run or a maybe a run batted in, and the stock price reflects that, over and over and over again.,,,just an opinion.

Dec 30, 2016 10:07AM
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