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Message: Re: Write up in Muscular Dystrophy News......

One of those popular little bromides I love to dredge up frequently is that old saw about how....'When someone else toots your horn the sound travels twice as far'.  Having this MDystrophy news site heralding the potential for Apabetalone and mentioning Resverlogix specifically by name is a nice boost.....and according to the news site this article has been shared 270 times on Face Book alone...That kind of "promotion" (for lack of a better word) is worth more in my eyes than anything that comes from Life Science News, Zacks, or any other paid outlets.  

Personally SF I don't think financing concerns are much (and maybe not any) of a drag on the PPS.....the biggest drag imo is a lack of widespread exposure, hopefully we'll see that building slow and steady and that this article might serve as a harbinger of even more to come. 

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