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Message: Take Home Points: not ready for use in patients

Yeah, that was a disappointing "take home" point ... the "not ready for patient use" part ... I actually thought that was a little over the top. Safety profile is fine, and there is indeed clear positive impact in certain defined areas, even if some of the data was less than hoped.

I do like tthe proof of concept comments by Dr Ray though, as well as the "cautious" optimism for the drug's potential with additional testing. Wish there was a little more enthusiasm and flag waving for the positives, but these type meettings are just cold and sterile, and cautiously critical ... PROVE it while we shoot arrows at you. But that is the nature of academia, prove and defend your premises, hypotheses, and theories to highest levels of scrutiny.

We gonna need a partner ... fast ... but at least we have significant "promise" and have proven some concepts ...

Given the likely road ahead with more studies ... and based on Don's recent enthusiasm, lack of concern about money, and confidence about interest in the company? ... tea leaves anyone?

Gotta be a deal coming soon, right? ... $3-4b isn't the "dream" scenario, but not "chopped liver" either, especially if just for RVX-208 (apabetalone only?).

Just don't see a real path forward without a BP, like soon? ... but at what price?

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