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Message: A message from Kelsee.....

For those who might not be aware, Kelsee as far as I know, he created this forum years ago....he has since bowed out.  He sent me a text message on Sept 24th, but I was switching phones and forgot about it...well, better late than never, (a month+ late) here is what he wrote:


I hope all is well with you and your family.  These times are brutal all accross Canada depending where you live.  Stock requires no discussion...it just sucks!!!  But in support of RVX and their efforts to launch the Covid trial I have done a couple things.  I've been sending anything covid related RVX news to Health Minister Jajdu, so she knows all about Apabetalone and its potential against covid with no obvious resluts from Health Canada, (she graciously arranged a phone conversation between us)...nothing became of my efforts.

So next I decided to contact our Prime Minister to which I received a response that my message had been carefully reviewed (who knows?) so I responded that Mr. Trudeau himself should be made aware of this drug and its possibilities.  

That was a week or so ago, in the midst of the election, so he has much on his table before he'd be checking his inbox.  So if I get any response there time will pass.  So I feel I've gone as far as I can go....actually a couple other provincial politicians have received my RVX information email including Ontario Health Minister many months ago....

I've been pondering about what other channels have to this point been untapped.  One came to mind, the investigative reporter option such as a Rosemary Barton type.  If there is a stalled trial launch lying in Health Canada's lap, after all they all about vaccines, perhaps she and her network could find something....perhaps a life or two could be salvaged with her abilities and other of her type.  

You may, if you wish post my efforts and suggestions to the hub. Perhaps somebody familiar will put a professional type presentation with links and all will step and take it on.  PMO's inbox filled with hub members info on RVX and Apa stirring the pot a bit.  

Okay, gonna end it here, I'm rambling....you and family take care, regards Kelsee.  

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