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Message: Re: Resverlogix Announces New Insights into the Mechanism of Apabetalone's Cardioprotective Benefit in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients

To All...warning...Please skip this message if you don't want to read my negativity.  

But here it goes...This is a decade long pathetic method of operation by RVX.  

We get close to an annual mtg and they coincidentally release something, some tidbit of promise, to keep us all at bay.  This latest news release is soooo predictable it's not funny.  

What I want to know is what the heck the go forward path is?  I know I'm not alone.  Are we doing any new trials?  If so what and when?  

Or are we selling off the piece parts?  At this point I'll take whatever but this is death by paper cuts!

And is it just me?  Or do all these "news releases" all sound like similar shades of grey?  Seriously, we have had enough "news" releases!!!  Please us once and for all what the implications of these news releases are!!!  What's the "so what" of it all???

While I love the science, I am equally  "Blinded by Science" as someone once so elequantly sang in the past!   

If RVX was privately held them maybe I could better understand and even then somewhat, but they are up locally traded and there has to be some obligation on their part to better directionally inform investors of what the flipping strategy actually is???  It is downright irresponsible.

And if they can't say what the plan is outright, which I get, then they can at the very least be directional with us all. Why should we invest?  Or still invest?  Or add?  Or divest?  

But more and more news releases on how good they think this drug theoretically is...we all get it!  Now go get something done please!   

I invest in many other companies and have never experienced basically being flipped the bird year over year over year.     

Seriously, I am sick of news releases about how wonderful this drug is.  Is it? Is it really?  Because they keep researching this drug to the point of  insanity.  This company has bridged the gap of any sense of reasonableness to shareholders.  Enough is enough!   

Our trial just barely missed the mark almost FOUR years ago now and counting and nothing has happened ever since.  

I get that the pandemic impacted the world and delayed things, and therefore not wanting to risk things, but then just tell us that then please!!!  

Instead we go down a COVID trial path that also went nowhere and I think may have missed the window too.  Certainly, the initially intended application of the APB is far better than any COVID applications at this point. This management team simply cannot execute!

It's been so long that really I am not sure that we should believe in the science because after 4 years of a near miss, we haven't started a new trial. Why the heck not of news release after news release tells us that it's a miracle drug.  

Gosh I really hope so, but hope does not make for sound strategy   

This company needs to actually do something for a change and I am saying this having been one of the more optimistic posters on this board over time!  


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