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Message: Bankruptcy?

fuzzyjr - I've done this exercise and laughed and shuddered at the result. Someone else on this board needs to go through it and post their results.

There are about 20 different ailments that APB positively affects. Whoever is keeping tally please post your list for us again. Now take this list and compare it to Pfizer's alphabetical list of drugs from their annual report and the ailments that each of those drugs are designed to prevent (help). PFE generally looks to have at least $2 billion in sales per drug or they remove it from their lineup, unless they are just ramping up their sales.

My result, looking at only A to M was staggering assuming only $2 billion in sales per drug and that did not include PFE's COVID drug treatments.

I only did the one company and was shocked. It made a believer out of me as to why Eversana is still onboard and not putting enormous pressure on RVX to get this thing going immediately. APB's potential market is so large it is literally unbelievable. The amount of potential disruption to all BP's market is staggering.

Merry Christmas to all on this board and best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.


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