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Message: If not via a Zen deal

 "We are in active discussions with multiple parties regarding financing and/or co-development opportunities for apabetalone"

Have to believe the "co-development " route would be the next best?

Hopefully with one of the Pharmas working with Zen, like PFE  or whoever - with possible quick success  on a covid trial  +
given Zen's success so far maybe it triggers an all out buy out of both companies or even just RVX.

Cant imagine doing a financing at this SP level regardless of the lower cost of a covid trial , it would still cause significant dilution. 

Time will tell as always but the clock ticks awfully slow in Donny land.

The only route imo to see shareholder value/significant SP rise & some cash back to us is a Zen deal. Can't imagine much of a spike  going with the other two options - maybe up 20-30 cents on a co-development deal,max??


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