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Message: NEWS----WOW

You're talking with someone who attended college and one of his majors was Enviromental Studies. So it isn't like I am anti-environment but I do know this global warming hysteria is a scam and the eco fascists want to bring down the dams. Have you read about Agenda 21?

As you must know...Cyanide, Asbestos are all made by mother nature. Spiny can verify this because he is a chemist.

As far as your loved one..sorry to hear about that. However, tumors can be caused by many different factors..some people have the DNA markers already determined when they are born and they will contract cancer in their lifetime. Some people can be exposed to many different chemical factors and never get cancer.

My problem is the EPA and the Eco-fascists are overstepping their bounds...so much it is hurting the livihoods and well being of many families.

BTW...my Mother lived through WWII in Berlin, Germany...death was all around. My Mother doesn't dwell about it and she has survived cancer three times.

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