Message: Trade Wars Will Lead To U.N. Trade Embargo Against USA

SideNote: President Trump has made it clear he isn't going to follow the NWO free trade plans, who are bent on destroying the USA economy. Instead Trump wants to destroy the NWO, by bring manufacturing jobs back to the USA; and raising tariffs on incoming goods to help correct the trade imbalance.Trump realizes he has the upper hand, he is able negotiate from a position of strength, because the USA has one of the biggest populations of consumers. Therefore eveyone wants to sell their goods to the USA. Trade wars are in the wind, because the Trump Administration wants to void all previous contracts (which threatens the NWO elite power) and to forge new contracts with each country one-on-one. Out of pure desperation by the NWO elite to stop President Trump's plans, (in my view) the elite will be left with no choice but to call for a UN trade embargo against the USA, to cut them completey off from all world trading.

The division in Government is become more evident, right and wrong, and the line between good and evil is becoming more clear. The division between States is just starting, We are moving quickly toward a point in time, that no man will be able to stand neutral, sitting on the fence; he will be forced to take one side or the other.





1875 Prophecy***


(Partial) ..."And the time will come, when we shall find ourselves restricted, and when it will be very important indeed for us to patronize homer productions, and cease sending our millions abroad for importations, for the gate will shut down, and circumstances will be such that we cannot bring things from abroad."


Prophcey 1860 ***

(Partial) ..."They shall have mobbing to their hearts content. Mobs will not decrease, but will increase, until the WHOLE GOVERNMENT becomes a mob, and eventually it will be State against State, City against City, neighborhood against neighborhood, man against man."


1865 Prophecy***

(Partial) ..."A terrible revolution will take place in the land of America, such as has never been seen before; for the land will be literally left without a supreme government, and every species of wickedness will run rampant."


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