A Flight Sciences Company


Message: Patent (correct spelling)

Buddy, you are all over the place and not making sense.

You posted this

I am Sure BL will step in and tell me How this all works 

But I would rather here from managment what this Patient covers because this news from years ago makes me wonder, I respected you and did not answer

is  there any real valid means of defending this patient?

or is the patient nothing more then a way of generating  private placements ? 

OR a better answer would be , DO we have anything to do with this ?

I am a LONG time invester who is becoming very frusterated with the compleate lack of sales

Investors want some answers on what is being done to turn this around 

I responded to Stocksninvings post below

For a minute I was very confused Tinman66. Then I realized you may be talking about the Patent Star navigation has. 

My response

I think it's important to understand that it is not Star who has the patent. Star Navigation has a life time license to the Viraf Kapadia patent.

Then you posted

Ok but let’s answer the question. I did not try to answer your question as you wanted someone else to answer you

I bought stock in star navigation based on the fact they taught they have a world wide  patent 

lets not get off base or maybe your not Who are you talking to?

maybe Star has nothing to do with any thing so your saying Star navigation is not in control of the patent will not defend the patent but will use the patent to bolster privet placements 

it was a very simple question Not trying to answer and never did

Qatar says they are streaming black box data

Is star navigation involved ? or is the CEO making side deals that cuts Star navigation out  This is ludicrous! Definition for ludicrous - foolish, unreasonable, or out of place as to be amusing; ridiculous.

and I didn’t ask for real estate tips This is where you need to chill dude!

I asked this of management Don't I know it. From the start!!

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