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Message: Venture – Big Picture

If Trump wins, Putin invades Ukrane. China invades Taiwan. Japan builds nukes - Uranium quadrupes. Dow drops 3000 points. Gold doubles. Bomb shelter sales go parabolic. The population of America drops 10%, the population of Canada doubles. America declares bankruptcy.

But it ain't gonna happen. Trump is disliked by white women and hated by Hispanics and Blacks. That basically leaves him with the redneck vote - 30 to 40% of the electorate, tops. The math just doesn't work for him. Hillary wins despite being the second most loathed candidate in history.

Mr. Market likes Hillary and is pricing in her victory every day. In the unlikely event of a market tanking between now and the election, it would be an indication that the market is starting to price in a Trump win - if that happens, be afraid, be very afraid.....

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