Welcome To Ucore Rare Metals HUB On AGORACOM

Our specific objective is the discovery and exploration of properties with the potential to yield economic, world class deposits of technology and specialty metals, including rare earth elements, uranium, and associated collateral byproducts.

Message: Why does the marketplace like this fantastic news?

Since asking this question I've learned that:

The market is ignoring the economic value of the grades. REE's are not like copper results where they can compare apples to apples. The real issue is how much HREE do you have in that ore zone? If you look at the last column on the right on Ucores drill results, notice what the percentage of HREO's is. Meaning the percentage of the HEAVY rare earth element oxides. Our percentages are about 50% on average and as high at 71% but the market is ignoring that for some reason.

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