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Message: This deal sucks for us

On the surface of things I have to agree. If you look at these two stocks say about two months ago (presumably before this deal started to affect the stock price) you could make a case for LEX being about a forty cent stock and VG being about a thirty-five cent stock; so why 2.1 to 1 in favour of LEX. And two months ago gold was in the middle of the summer gold doldrums. Lately gold has been hiting a new record price every day. One could argue that VG would be at a higheer price than LEx now al other things being equal. And since the deal has been announced LEX is at .94 and VG is at .52 (as I write). For me the numbers just don't compute. It looks more like LEX is taking over VG on the cheap and reaping the benefit. And unless I have missed something I just don't see what synergies there are between LEX and VG. LEX has oil, gas and uranium while VG has gold. So far as I could see LEX does not have anything in the Timmins area. When I saw the merger announcement I thought maybe LEX had some promising Timmins properties and maybe a mill in Timmins or something but no I haven't found it yet. I don't see a company that is exclusively in gold wanting to diversify into oil, gas and uranium at this time during a gold bull market. I can see an oil, gas and uranium company wanting to get into gold during a gold bull market. Nice to have the McKewen as CEO, nice to have the financing but something doesn't seem quite right. Maybe (and this is a longshot) Goldcorp will get into the picture. This is kind of brainstorming on my part and I would be interested in other points of view. JMHO.

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