The former Wildcat Exploration Ltd HUB On AGORACOM

The company is now known as FUSE Cobalt.

Message: Hudbay and John Knowles

hey Res,

are you on the VMS board as well?

I have taken some of that stock too, and can't see why WEL shouldn't be at the .30 range same as them.

WEL has optioned out part of the Mike Power land to MMU (Poundmaker) and should see some revenue out of that. I think that this is something that WEL needs to do in order not to dilute the float so much, given that they still have so much land to work with.

Wouldn't surprise me if they option out some of the Reed Lake property(nothern part), if they think that they have so much potential at the Foster Lake site. This could give them more cash flow to support operations in the short term.

I am going to buy into the PP for one reason only, the company needs cash right now, and if they are going to dilute, it may as well be to me and many others who are private investors who can take a chance on this company.

Times are tough, but these guys are going to make it through, and in a few years we will all be glad for it.


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