Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: Zen Cross

Sorry I have been absent from the board for a few weeks, but now you know why. I wanted to stay silent on the matter until it was complete. Yes, the cross was completed today. Many will have you believe that its an easy undertaking, believe me its not. Throw in a proxy battle, new board members and management and its almost impossible. However, after numerous iterations, we finally got the appropriate parties to connect and agree on a price. There was more than one group involved today but the group the bought the 1M a few weeks ago, got the remainder of their order today. Very, very strong hands and thrilled about it. Big shout out to those involved, I think this positions things wonderfully for the future, no more overhang.

For all those that thought there was a problem cause there was no buyer, please learn whats involved before speaking.....this is no easy undertaking as I said before. Lots and lots of demand. We have significant appetitie for more so if anyone reading this has a sizeable block to go, make it known.

Remember don't listen to the talkingheads that try to confuse you and cast doubt.....do you really think smart money would "gamble" on a junior spec play in the size they bought today? Read the news releases and try to understand what Zenyatta has.

Looking forward to a bright future ahead for a our little race horse.


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