Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: Gold Investment Letter - Coverage Zenyatta

Hello and Good Evening All

There have been some excellent posts of late listing the facts that we should focus on while looking at this investment. I wanted to add the following which is from the 43-101. Specifically page 14-20 Pit Shell Optimization Factors

Overburden pit slope-30degrees

Bedrock pit slope-45degrees

Exchange rateUS $1 = C $1

All prices below are USD

Waste cost$3.00/T

Ore mining$4.5/T

Processing Cost$40/T

Process Recovery Rate80%


Graphite Price$8500/T

Selling Cost$50/T

Block size10mx10mx10m

Now punch those numbers into your calculators!

To summerize you have approx $4000/finished ton all in to mine mill and process

Cap ex of 200M and a 10% discount rate will get you $2.125B NPV with an IRR of 85% USD! Note that G&A, royalties, sales costs and taxes are not included.

Figure that these numbers are now 13-14mths old.

That the summer testing increased recovery rate and or dropped the processing costs even by 5% or 10%? Surely a decent result had to come to light for the organization to "put the pin in"

Start doing a bell curve of the $5 - $30 per kilo selling price. For fun go over $30/Kilo.. say $50. Note that the $8500/t price equates to roughly $9.37/kilo.

Look at the japanese presentation and factor in that ultra pure small micron size is in great demand. How much is difficult to say.. but surely more than the average of 8500/T. This graphite meets all the standards.. EBC, purity, resistivity, sizing. Sulphur is listed at 67ppm and stated publicly by the company as not an issue.

The icing on the cake.. with the CAD down.. the USD pricing is even better!

Now this is not all blue sky and P85Ds in every driveway. --Pause to dream.... hmm acceleration.. .. still dreaming.. --- ahem..

There is still the small hurdle of negotiations and mine to be built, rather from a risk management/assessment point of view the share price is a steal and the potential return legendary.

So in these confounding times I will close by saying I have faith that Aubrey and crew are doing an excellent job and I believe that they have the team in place to take this to completion.

Do your due diligence. Think for yourselves.

And above all thank you to the community for being a rational and vitriol free environment.



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