Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: Here is the full release

Hello all

First.. some humour as this morning I believe that most of us feel like doing this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTMjbkjsL5g

Now the actual news release. The main negative is that AE left himself far too much wiggle room to reneg on the PEA release date. And yes I understand that one cannot control third party results or timing.

The concentrate going up is great

The fact that they state the engineering purification process is COMPLETE is great.

Reducing the NAoH by 86% is rocking good.

But back to AE. If the work done to date is" much more detailed than is normal for a project at the PEA stage." Why not release the $#@^$@#$ thing!?! -Sorry have to vent my frustration a bit-

Do we care that further work has to be done to hit end user specifications? Sure. But give us the damn numbers as a comparison to the 43-101. That will give us a baseline and then we have upside with further purification improvements.

All in all this is a very very poorly written NR that is actually really good -with the exception of the hanging PEA- coinciding with a brutal market and tax loss selling.

For those of you who can buy.. my hat is off in a salute. We are back to pre gap up Jan 2013 levels.

But I have to agree with TP and other posters.. this experience in the past six months is like being in a Loony Toons cartoon.. and we are holding the anvil going off the cliff.

Cheers all.. I hope this helps. I remain long because I believe in my DD. But.. we are subjected to abuse.. this is exceptionally hard to take.


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